View Profile Slim-Bean
Professional Flash developer from Sussex (England) looking to make a name for myself with some games and animations. PM me to get in touch

Shaun Bulbrook @Slim-Bean

Age 34, Male

Freelance Developer

Not in Education

Sussex, England

Joined on 5/19/08

Exp Points:
1,040 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.24 votes
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I'm starting to get a bit tired of popping in every few months updating this blog with the same old "I'm back" or "I'm doing <blah>" titles.

In my last post I mentioned I was starting out with 3D modeling and animation. Well lots has happened since then :)
Although I'm still working in Web Development, I now also work with a local indie developer group as a character artist. Right now things are looking up and we should have a BETA version of the game out some-time next year for PC, shortly followed by an Xbox version (If anyone wants to help test, give me a holler)

While thats all going on I recently turned my head back to flash. This time picking up papervision along the way.

Time permitting over the next 3 months I might be attempting a 3d flash game (decent 3d) I've only played a hand-full over my online-gaming career.
Whether or not I'll actually finish a long solo project when I have lots going on...

Before I round of what will probably be yet another bi-yearly post I should probably add that the London Meetup was awesome, look forward to seeing you guys again next year.

All the best,

- SlimBean

Recent Game Medals

2,960 Points

People Person 5 Points

Run 250 people over

Two and a Half Miles 5 Points

Travel over 2.5 miles

Once upon a time 5 Points

Complete the first mission

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 1 Soldier

5000 On PindestructoTank 5 Points

Score 5000 points on the PindestructoTank mode.

99 Combo 10 Points

Land a Combo of 99 or more in any mode.

Standard Mode Complete 10 Points

Max out all enemies in Standard Mode on any difficulty setting.

Adventure Mode Complete 10 Points

Beating Adventure Mode and viewing the end movie.

Whizzkid 1 Min 10 Points

Beat the boss Whizzkid in 1 minute or less.

Nobody Home 5 Points

Scare all the people out of the house